Report on digital barriers published

Funka has, in collaboration with Implement, researched whether there are digital barriers that make it difficult for persons with disabilities to gain employment in Norway. The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs have commissioned the report. The task is now done and the findings published.

We have interviewed persons with disabilities, special interest groups and experts that work for the employment of persons with disabilities. The findings are interesting and shows that there are several areas that need improvement or further study.

A few examples from the report:

  • The supply of assistive technologies is problematic. A surprising amount of persons with difficulties reading and writing state that they have some form of aid.
  • 26% of the respondents state that they have quit their job voluntarilyor have been forced to leave because of problems with digital barriers. 
  • Inaccessible internal systems seem to be a major roadblock for inclusion. 

Naturally, there are many reasons to why persons with disabilities are statistically less employed than the general public. But as long as there are digital barriers, it will be difficult to comply with the UN’s resolution on human rights for persons with disabilities.

Report on digital barriers published (in Norwegian), opens in new window

Funka investigates digital barriers in Norway