Main activities and results

All the project activities are geared to producing results that will contribute to achieving the project objective to educate university teaching and training staff working in the field of communication on how to publish content and teach in an accessible way.

The main activities carried out during the project include:

  • Accessibility training needs analysis for university teaching and training staff in fields related to communication.
  • Identification of main issues faced by people with disabilities, immigrants and older adults when accessing communication content.
  • Mapping of university curricula in fields related to communication where accessibility training can be implemented.
  • Co-creation of needs-based accessibility training toolkit for university teaching and training staff.
  • Development of a set of personas representing professional profiles in the field of accessible communication.
  • Recommendations on the inclusion of accessibility knowledge and training materials in curricula for university programmes related to communication.

These activities generate impact at the local, regional, national and European levels including:

  • Increased accessibility knowledge and capacity of university teachers and trainers in communication programmes.
  • More accessible communication publishing.
  • More inclusive teaching and learning environments in higher education. communication programmes.
  • Enhanced employability of communication students.
  • A wider uptake of accessibility training within higher education communication curricula.