Webinar on Better cognitive support

What if AI-technology could support end users to choose the assistive technology that serves them best, totally independent? What if assistive technology producers and providers could get feedback directly from end users to improve their products?

Collecting relevant assistive technology and creating a system that learns from end users’ abilities, instead of requiring them to register their preferences, that’s the idea behind the Buddy project.

On February 4th Funka organises a webinar where we will present the project results and discuss the future of assistive technology provision with a distinguished panel of experts from across Europe. There is also room for Q&A from the audience.

Who is the webinar for?

We welcome everyone – but the event is tailored to AT producers and suppliers.

Date: Friday, February 4th

Time: 13.00 – 14.30 CET

Place: Online via Zoom


We are providing live captions with automatically translated captions in Swedish and international sign.


The event is free of charge, but you have to register. Please, use the registration form below.

Registration is now closed.

The Buddy project is funded by the European Commission and carried out by Funka and the Johannes Kepler University.

The Buddy project, opens in new window
