Simulations of neurodiversity increase awareness

In general, neuropsychiatric impairments are less well known than for example physical disabilities. In a Norwegian government funded research project, Funka will develop simulations to try to bridge this knowledge gap.

In recent years, the number of persons with neuropsychiatric diagnoses has increased globally. They often have difficulties with social interactions, language and communication, as well as limited and repeated behavioral patterns. Many persons with neuropsychiatric impairments experience that there is still a great ignorance about what these difficulties mean in practice. The lack of knowledge around these issues leads to a strong negative impact on the affected persons. Even relatively mild neuropsychiatric impairments can be a major obstacle if people around the individual lack insight about them.

This is the most exciting project I can imagine, says Lena Drevsjø, Accessibility and User Experience Expert at Funka. It combines an important need with user involvement and smart technique - It's awesome!

In close collaboration with user organisations and individual users, we will develop different kinds of experiences, simulations and training materials to increase knowledge about and understanding of the severities that people with neuropsychiatric disabilities experience. The results of the project will be presented at conferences arranged by the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs and also documented online.

Funding: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
Period: April-December 2018
Budget: 40 500 EUR