Feature 6 of 10: Video

Prototype of supporting feature to help when adding embedded video content.

This feature aims to give you support when adding embedded video content in your authoring tool. Depending on the video, there are certain accessibility requirements that must be met. The purpose of this test is to provide you with support to meet these requirements, for example providing a description (title), captions and audio descriptions. 


In this test you will go through the process of adding an embedded video in the authoring tool. This test has one option regarding information and support about the accessibility requirements for video. 

  • When adding an embedded video a checklist for self-control regarding accessibility requirements is available, and a text field for a description (title) of the video content. 

Purpose of test

The purpose of this test for this feature is to test if the support given will help secure that you are publishing accessible videos.   


After the test, we would like you to answer a couple of questions about your experience. We are interested to know if you find the functionality helpful.  

Start testing Feature 6 - Video (opens in a new window)

These tests will be performed under December 2020 and January 2021 and the tests will close on the 31:st of January 2021.