Collaboration with authoring tools producers
This part of the project builds on the deep knowledge and experience of the consortium partners, as well as the discussions with the relevant authoring tool producers and suppliers. The bilateral discussions are oriented to explore the best way to incorporate accessibility by default in their tools.
Funka has presented relevant ideas and examples of good practice (prototypes) to the authoring tools producers, to see which ones are possible to implement:
a) in the general framework,
b) in the templates,
c) as a potential add on (if the feature is seen as too disruptive to the existing authoring tools)
d) as more of a support to the author (if the mandatory functionality is not feasible).
The accessibility features implementations are done in an agile way, combining expert evaluation and user testing with each step to ensure good usability for the editors/authors.
The results of the prototyping and user testing is being fed into the next projects; FEAT and Cluster, where we are using the results to make real implementations and test them.